PLAY Project Participant Interest Form
A study of what babies do in their everyday home environments
We are researchers launching the first large-scale study on what babies do at home! We are inviting one thousand families across the United States with babies (up to 2 years of age) to participate in this exciting study. Experienced researchers will visit your home and record a slice of your daily life. You will be helping scientists to better understand how children learn and develop.
What families can expect
A home visit from a researcher (2-3 hours long)
You and your baby will go about your daily activities
Researcher will ask you some questions about your home, baby, and family
Researcher will video record the entire visit
Videos will be placed in a secure video library that is available only to researchers
You will receive a $50 gift card for your participation.
Your and your child’s participation are voluntary, and you can choose to end a session at any time without loss of benefits. You have the right to review videos and other records of your home visit session and request that all or any portion of the data be destroyed. You have the right to skip any questions you do not wish to answer. There are no known risks associated with your child’s participation in this research beyond those of everyday life.
COVID-19 Considerations
Researchers abide by the following protections:
Are fully vaccinated
Wear a mask at all times
Will not physically interact with you or your child
Clean any equipment that is placed on a home surface
After each home visit, researchers sanitize anything brought into a home.