Project ACCEL Launch Event
AccelNet held a launch event at University of California San Diego between February 8-10, 2024. We gathered a diverse group of experts including social scientists, neuroscientists, psychologists, data scientists, engineers, designers, global development practitioners, philanthropists, educators, behavior analysts, and policymakers. The key problem AccelNet aimed to address with the experts was the chronic stress of global crises, including intergroup violence and climate change.
Our goal was to utilize the diverse experience within our network-of-networks to design an intervention to support children and families experiencing chronic stress. During the launch we were able to establish interdisciplinary networks and explore challenges, solutions and define best practices for enhancing cross-cultural convergent science. AccelNet explored attendee organization’s missions and goals, their knowledge about the global issue and interventions used to address the issue. AccelNet’s core partners from MindCET and Global Communities also attended the event.
Top row: Sohail Agha (Global Health Visions & John Hopkins University), Ilya Zaslavsky (SDSC), Akshay Nagarajan (Chiba Lab, UCSD), Kevin Miller (U of Michigan), Megan McClelland (Oregon State), Sara Baker (Cambridge), Alejandro Erut (UT Austin), Winsome Waite (GSoLEN), Adrienne Barnett (YMCA Austin), Cristine Legare (UT Austin), Avi Warshavsky (MindCET), Bob Wise (GSoLEN), Kelly Shiohira (GSoLEN), Kathy Randolph (Texas State), Erica Cartmill (Indiana University), Yishay Mor (Israel Ministry of Education), Jelena Obradovic (Stanford), Daniel Domingues de Santos (University of São Paulo)
Bottom row: Faiz Hashmi (UT Austin), Sebastian Lipina (Unidad de Neurobiología Aplicada), Maria Hermida (Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham), Andrea Chiba (UCSD), Alejandra Carboni (Universidad de la República), Janine Schooley (PCI), Angel Filer (UT), Alyson Penrose (Global Communities), Michelle Shumate (Northwestern), Chase Coniglio (Global Communities), Iveta Silova (Arizona State)