Our team harnesses insights about how the mind works to advance the global science of learning and to design more effective behavioral and social change interventions.
We conduct interdisciplinary and comparative research using mixed-methodologies emphasizing community engagement, equity, and international development.

Research Areas
Public Health
Public Health
We leverage insight from social and biological sciences to develop innovative solutions to pressing concerns in health and medicine.
We harness the empirical tools of cognitive science and related social scientific disciplines to improve educational outcomes.
Cognitive Science
Cognitive Science
We study the capacity to learn, create, and transmit culture. We are particularly interested in studying cumulative culture.
Child Development
Child Development
We take a collaborative and contextual approach to studying core topics in child development.
Highlighted Projects
Recent Articles
Evolution, Variation, and Ontogeny of Learning Laboratory
The Center for Applied Cognitive Science is affliated with Cristine Legare’s EVO Learn Lab, a team of cognitive developmental scientists who study the interplay of our universal mind and the variation of human culture.